Today, I’m in a corner of my house, the corner I do everything in. I’m typing on a computer fast hoping i won’t do any mistakes. As I’m typing I can hear the birds singing behind me, their squeaking sounds like a melody to me. I’m thirsty, I grab the water bottle to my right, the ice cubes make refreshing sounds as they touch the sides of the water bottle over and over again as i shake in my hands to hear them. It’s a satisfying noise to me, it keeps me entertained and focused at the same time. I take the water bottle to my mouth and tilt my head back just a little. The water bottle now touching my lips I press the button in the back letting the water escape. It fills my mouth rapidly and softly. The ice cubes, still moving inside, keep making these beautiful noises. So beautiful they make me feel like i’m in a parallel universe I created in my mind. I set the water bottle down to my side behind my empty cup of coffee. I hear sirens, cars, birds chirping, and the keys of my keyboard going up and down as i write. I can hear my breathing louder and louder as I focus on it. I can hear my mother’s music as she paints on the opposite side of the house. Her fun and rhythmic music.